Thursday, July 31, 2014

I'm Here

Got to the CCM today and I´m all safe and everything.  It´s raining sooooooo hard right now, I´ve never seen his much water coming down.  My flights were fine, and it´s gonna be awesome here.  Apparently I´m going to be fluent by the fifth week. Pretty sweet.

Tell everyone I love them.

Elder Hamilton

                                         We got this yesterday July 30, 2014 at 5:46pm.  
                          Unsure that we would hear from him, it was a welcomed surprise.  
            The CCM (Centro De Capacitaciōn Misional) is Spanish for Mission Training Center.  
                                              Can you hear his excitement in this email?
                                           As his mom, I can tell he's thrilled to be there.  

Yesterday was a day to remember!

After 18 years of preparation, Zac is finally a missionary.  Tuesday night President Mangrum, along with Troy and Zac's grandpas, set him apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It was a beautiful blessing where he was told that he would be able to speak Spanish and have a Chilean accent that sounded so good, the people he would teach would be able to focus on the Spirit and what they were learning and not on the fact that he wasn't native.

We came home from his setting apart, feeling full of the Spirit.  We were blessed to have many friends and family come to visit through out the night to say good bye to Zac.  I know he felt loved.

We woke up Wednesday morning at 2:30am and were off to the airport by 3:00am.  The car ride was quiet.  We all felt peace.

Claire, Alex and Jansen, friends that we love like family came to the airport too.  The man who checked Zac in must have noticed the love in the air, because he offered to give us a pass that would take one person through security and to the gate with Zac.   What a blessing to be able to see him all the way to the plane.

                               These smiles quickly turned into tears.  They will miss each other!

                     We love this missionary.  It was hard to say good bye.  Everyone says the next
                      two years will fly by.  I know the last 18 did, but it feels like forever right now.

                                                  Getting on the plane, last good bye.

                                             Can't walk away until the plane is out of site.

Elder Hamilton loves mail.  

His email address is  He can email once a week.

While he's in the Mission Training Center, Mexico City (July 30-September 17, 2014) send mail to…

Elder Zachary Troy Hamilton
Chile Rancagua Mission
México Missionary Training Center
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 México, Distrito Federal

When he gets to Chile (around September 17th, 2014) send mail to the mission home……

Pouch mailing-
The least expensive way to write.  Delivered every week.  Leaves Salt Lake on Fridays.  Use one US postage stamp.  Post cards also accepted.  Instructions-

Lay the letter blank side down.  Fold the bottom of the letter about one-third of the way up the page and crease.  Fold the top of the letter to the bottom of the first fold and crease.  Secure the long side with two pieces of tape about one inch in from each end, but do not seal the ends.  Write your name and complete return address in the top right corner.  In the middle, write the missionary address as follows:

Elder Zachary Troy Hamilton
Chile Rancagua Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

Letter mailing-

Elder Zachary Troy Hamilton
Chile Rancagua Mission
Alcalde Eduardo Mission 883
Casilla 2-C

Package mailing- you'll need the phone number at the bottom

Elder Zachary Troy Hamilton
Chile Rancagua Mission
Alcalde Eduardo Mission 883
Casilla 2-C
Phone:56 722-232-750