Thursday, July 31, 2014

I'm Here

Got to the CCM today and I´m all safe and everything.  It´s raining sooooooo hard right now, I´ve never seen his much water coming down.  My flights were fine, and it´s gonna be awesome here.  Apparently I´m going to be fluent by the fifth week. Pretty sweet.

Tell everyone I love them.

Elder Hamilton

                                         We got this yesterday July 30, 2014 at 5:46pm.  
                          Unsure that we would hear from him, it was a welcomed surprise.  
            The CCM (Centro De Capacitaciōn Misional) is Spanish for Mission Training Center.  
                                              Can you hear his excitement in this email?
                                           As his mom, I can tell he's thrilled to be there.  

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