Friday, March 6, 2015

December 1, 2014

This week was pretty crazy, and it felt really weird to kill Elder Dunmire. Also, we went to Santa Cruz today to play futbol with our zone before changes tomorrow, and on the way home, we were all sleeping because we had just played futbol for a few hours in the sun. And then a tire blew and everything started shaking and it was crazy. I'm sure it wasn't that crazy, but when something like that wakes you up, it feels like the end of the world. So yeah, read all about my week here.

 Haha, in Santa Cruz I was talking to my ZLs about my new comp, and they told me that I'm gonna learn a butt load of patience from him. So we'll see what happens I guess. Apparently he's been kind of problematic in the past and doesn't get along very well with his comps. Woo hoo!!!!!

Memo's a stud. I just got off the phone with him literally 5 seconds ago. I'm glad I get to pass Chistmas here with them. And yeah, anytime we talk about asados, his eyes get all big and he gets all excited.

Can you send me an awesome/easy donut recipe? I need to show these chileans what they're missing out on.

Here's a picture of the as ado we had with Memo on Saturday afternoon. 
It was raining super hard all day, but for Memo, nothing stops an asado.

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