Thursday, August 7, 2014

Emails received on August 5th

7:52am I wanted to know about his trip to the CCM, I told him about his friends and Kousins Kamp

These dang Spanish keyboards are difficult to type with, so bear with me.  There was one other missionary on the plane from LA to Mexico City, and we were on opposite ends of the plane.  But once we got to Mexico City and a few other flights got in, there were seven of us all together.  One of them was Jimmy McDade´s roommate at BYU.  There was also an hermana that}s in my district. We had to go through immigration and customs and stuff, so that was pretty awesome. This guy from the CCM picked us up and he didnt speak any english.  I was the best spanish speaker in the group, so I communicated with him for everyone on the way there, and that was pretty cool. 
Mexico City is INSANE. its just like I pictured it, and driving on the road is a death sentence, it´s seriously scary.  The CCM has like a 20 foot tall barbed wire fence all the way around it, so were safe.  The food is pretty nice, and theres some weird mexican fruit that I love, but I don´t know that name of it. 

That´s awesome about Alex! and KK sounds pretty cool too. And thats so cool about Jansen´s testimony.  I´ll probably send another email in a few minutes answering some other questions. So if you get this right now, I´ll be on the computer for a while.


Grandma and Grandpa, 
Thank you so much for emailing me! 
The food here is a hit or miss. SOme days thay have delicious things, while others they have terrible food.  But theres always fruit and vegetables and rice that yuo can get on the side, so thats definitely good.  My comapnion´s name is elder Jones, and he reminds me of Easton a lot.  The CCM (MTC in spanish) is so pretty and the weather is amazing!
Elder Hamilton

8:06am to Aunt Shauna, there is a girl from Aunt Shauna's old ward who will be at the CCM with Zac.

Thanks for emailing me!
Where is sister Nonu headed after the MTC? Ill definitely look for her.
I´m eating pretty well, and there are some really weird mexican fruits here, but the food is not too shabby.
Elder Hamilton

8:22am to Troy, I called Troy at work and told him to email Zac right then, because he'd be on for awhile.  So this is Zac's reply to his dad. 

It´s so fun, the CCM stands for Centro do Capicitacion Misional or something very close to that. I just got called/given the position of district leader, so I´m in charge of the 12 missionaries in my district. 
Mexico City is exactly what I imagined: insnane.  the streets are terrifying, and on the way here from the airport there were some close calls.  theres a 20 foot barbed wire fence all the way around the massive area, though.  So we´re safe and stuff.  Im learninght elanguage so fast, and my companion and I have taought out "investigator" three times IN SPANISH! My spanish vocabulary is like three times bigger than it was when I got here. we have like five hours of language study per day, and I think Im the most advancesd in my district.  

Elder Hamilton

9:07am again to Aunt Shauna

 Oh, sweet. Thats the mission right on the south end of mine. In the CCM (MTC in spansh), my p day will always be on tuesday, and probably around this same time.  None of the buildings have air conditioning or heat or anything, but the weather is so perfect you dont even need it.  And yeah, we all keep feeling ghost vibrations from the phones that we don´t have any more.  It´s really pretty inside the grounds of the CCM, but outside of the 20 foot barbed wire fence, its pure mexico city.  We can always hear sirens and fireworks and random dogs and cats outside of the walls, especially at night.  And yeah, Ive made so many new friends and its so cool here.  There´s a guy who's 6´8", so im not quite the tallest, but I´m like fourth or fifth tallest out of all the missionaries here.

1:43pm to me

I got to use the computer one more time today, so here´s my district in front of the CCM sign. From left to right, it goes: Elder Cluff, Elder Lloyd, Elder Madson, Elder Rich, Elder Germann, Hermana Harvey, Hermana Snyder, Elder Kerr, Elder Holst, Elder Jones (my companion), me, and Elder Marshall.  We played sand volleyball today, and it was so much fun.  I´ll talk to you next week.

Elder Hamilton 

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