Monday, September 15, 2014

Emails received September 15, 2014 7:42am

I decided to write out a lot this morning to save time so I could respond to everyone else's emails. We'll give this a whirl and if it sucks I'll go back to the old way.

Now for the requests.
1. Can everyone send me a whole bunch of recipes that I could make in a short amount of time? The members here can't really afford to feed us very often, and we end up feeding ourselves a lot of the time. That would be AWESOME.
2. Send me LETTERSSSSS. Letters are the best because they just are. Thanks. 

     Elder Hamilton

Here's me almost hitting my head on our ceiling just by standing. I punch the ceiling at least three times a day as I'm getting dressed, so that's fun. 

Here's our living room, but it looks more like a dying room. It's where we spend most of our time while we're in the house.

My comp had a recipe for crepes, so we made a buttload of crepes the other night. Half of them were filled with jelly, and the other half with some Manjar that I bought. Now let me tell you about Manjar. It's really good. Basically it's like spreadable caramel, and it's diabetic ally delicious. 

This is where the kitchen goes, but as you can see, we just put our little fridge, oven thing, and microwave in this room. It's hardly a kitchen, but we make due. 

This is our house. And me. Although it may appear cute and homey, don't be deceived. It's basically falling apart. But this mission home has accumulated every Liahona church magazine sine the late 90's, so it's got that going for it. But that's about it.  There's 4 of us in the house

So our bathroom door decided to stay shut and never ever open again while Elder Munoz was using it, so now, in order to get into the bathroom, we have to go out into the backyard and climb through the back window into the bathroom. As you can see, I have developed the ability to perch on the window sill, due to my frequent window climbing activities.

8:14am His response to mom,

Dang, home sounds like a good time. I want to request a few things in addition to my previous list if that's alright. 
1. some slippers (it's freakin cold here)
2. The Europe power adapter attachment for my electricity converter, Apparently Chile uses European plugs.
3. Maybe one more sweater? Something I can wear with my brown and grey pants.
4. A light windbreaker would be awesome, but it should be turning into spring sometime soon, so it's not super urgent.
5. Some Pilot G2 Pens on 0.7 would be great. I brought 2 and they're getting used pretty fast. I'm saving fountain pens for letters on good paper.
6. And just fill up the rest of the box with whatever else I'm missing out on food wise.

Thanks so much. 
Elder Hamilton

Sweet, sounds awesome! Just throw whatever you think I'll need in there! I'm in a little tiny pueblito, and there's only one pharmacy sized store here, so I don't think I'll be able to find any slippers in my size. But I can just wear socks with my sweet Mexican sandals. That's what I've been doing.

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