Monday, September 29, 2014

Emil received on September 29, 2014 @ 12:17pm

Read all about it. I'm gonna send some awesome pictures right now, 
so be ready!

Here's me working in the Chilean Vineyards with Memo. He thought it was funny that we were the same height while he was standing on the little ladder. We helped him out for like 3 hours, and he was super grateful. He always asks me things about Napa Valley, and how they do things vineyard wise up in the states. Of course I have no idea, but he still likes talking about it. 

So I might sound stupid right now, but my companion and I just figured out this week that sheep have tails, and they look really awkward. Here you go. 

I didn't think Chile had a bug problem, and then we found this. We don't know what kind it is, but spposedly it's almost time for the brown recluses to start being more active and whatnot. SO there will be a lot of shoe checking in the near future. The 50 peso coin is a little bigger than a quarter, if I remember correctly. SO that's fun. 

Oh, and we think this is a dog. We saw it chillin on the sidewalk a few days ago. There are like over 9,000 dogs just roaming the streets, and apparently it's like that all over Chile.  

Here are some pictures from Amelia Jerez birthday. SHe was so happy when we walked in with the cake. She just turned 10, so we thought she should get something special for making it to double digits.

I asked about the dad because I haven't seen him in any of the pictures………… No, they have a mom and a dad, and the dad is actually getting interviewed for the Melchizedek priesthood on wednesday, and then they're planning on preparing to go to the temple! He works in a vidrieria, which is like a glass place... Not a lot of work, but there's nothing else, so he's got to stick with it. That lady on the left is the wif'e sister. They look nothing like each other.  They've got 2 kids, and her sister, who's not married, has two kids, they're pretty awesome. I asked her if she would teach me how to make Chilean bread, and she said totally. Chilean bread is better than any other bread I've ever had. SO I'll totally make it when I get back. 

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