Here's my weekly account of the happenings here in Nancagua. My companion (ELder Dunmire) and I are scarily similar. It's awesome. But I'm killing him this change- meaning he's done with his mission after 5 more weeks. So that's kind of sad. But that also means that I'll probably be staying in Nancagua for at least one more change after this one, so I can help Elder Dunmire's replacement get to know the sector. Other than that, there's not much more to say!
Elder Hamilton
Mom, you would be so proud of me. Just to let everyone know, a few days ago we took the journey to Santa Cruz and went into a Lider (Chilean Walmart) and bought a blender. Since my companion is dying this change, we're making green smoothies and running every morning, and he's stoked to get a nice bod for when he gets home. Green smoothies and noodles are about the only non super foods here, so we make a lot of those. My defecations now have a healthy amount of plant matter in them, so I'm doing good.
Here's a real pretty picture of the Colchagua Vally that houses Nancagua. In the background you can see the Andes, and there's still snow on them for some reason- despite it being like over 9,000 degrees here.
My comp is from Oregon, and he's like 6'1". Then there's Elder Almeida, from Brazil. His accent is really funny because he spoke portuges before the mission. He basically sounds like a gringo. Then there's Elder Miranda, from Panama, and he's really funny. This is his third change, so he got here 6 weeks before I did. I like everyone in the house a lot better than before. They're all just nicer, and funner to be around.
Dang, you're talking about singing hymns in spanish. I have completely forgotten all the English hymns I know, so that's weird to think about. Our church building is really nice for some reason. I'll try to take a picture of it this week and send it next week.
Some people have cell phones, but only the richest of the poor people. I don't know what you can send, because everything works differently here, but if I think of something I'll let you know. It's not that important, the nib I have will work, but thanks. We went to Santa Cruz today for P day to play futbol, and I sent you guys all letters, and it cost about $3,500. Which is like $7. So that was awesome. Pretty cheap. It's really sunny here, so if you could send me some more of that Neutrogena sunscreen from Costco, that would be awesome. If they still have it in stock. I don't really know what else, just whatever you think of I guess!
Elder Hamilton
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