Monday, November 17, 2014

Email received November 3, 2014

Elder Christensen is coming to the mission for a conference next Monday, so that P day will be on Tuesday instead. So that's why I won't write to you next Monday.

Emails received November 11, 2014

In response….I hope you never have to eat that again.  I remember when we would talk about where you might go and the food you might have to eat.  I bet you never thought it would be that gross.  I'm so sorry.  I wish you had better food to eat.  Is there anything that you get to eat that you love?  What do you eat?  I think about that every day.  What do you make?

Dear Mom….I now really enjoy onions, tomatoes  and avocado. Like I seriously like eating them now. Weird, right? We eat them all the time here. 

Dear ZacOk this seriously makes me happy.  I can't believe you like tomatoes.  This is the best news ever.  

Dear mom….I don't just like tomatoes. I love tomatoes. 

Dear Zac….I'm dying!  I NEVER thought I'd hear you say that.  I love tomatoes too.  This news makes my day.  

to baby sis….
she told him about the Primary Program

Sweet dude, the primary (6 kids) here in chile is having a primary program in a few weeks too! No one knows how to play the piano in chile, so my comp and I have to play the piano for them for all the songs they're gonna sing. I love you! 
     Elder Hamilton

 Here's a picture of me making pan amasado. It was really good. 

 We replied……Jessica said they look store bought.  Pretty impressive.  So is it basically a roll?  Whats different about it from a roll that I make?  Is that in a members home?  


He answered……Thanks man. It's soooooo good, I don't know how to describe how they taste, but I'm going to be a pro at making pan amasado by the time I get back. That's at Memo's house. 

We said……Whats in them?  Anything different than water, flour, yeast and salt?

He said…..Yeah, I don't know what it's called in English, but I'll try to figure it out this week

 Dear Elder Hamilton,  I'm sending you a package tomorrow with the zip drive and your head lamp and batteries in it.  Is there anything else you can think of?  what food are you craving that I can send?  Mom

Mom, I've been talking to Memo, and he wants a bag of beef jerky for Christmas, so if you could send one or two, that would be awesome. He's the guy we do service for in the vineyards. He's a member, and he's a stud.  I don't know what flavor he would like, but nothing too crazy. You have better judgement than I do. They're on the poorer side of things. But they're so awesome and generous, and they've been going to visit this new family with us, and they're such good friends to these investigators.  
Some sunscreen that feels like its not there. The neutrogena stuff you got from costco is pretty dang good. Also, can you put in some reeses something, and some kind of completely American candy that I can give to the Chileans. Actually, Reeses would be pretty good for that, too. I just hope they don't melt. I'm putting together a package for you guys too, I got some dope stuff. I might have to take some money out of my card to send it home. I'll try to think of more things that I want you to send me right now. 

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