Dear Everyone,
Nothing too extreme happened this week, but it is getting wayyy hot, but that's kind of good, because everyone sees me and my sour cream colored skin, and they let us in pretty quick. Also, it's getting to be fruit season. I've been eating strawberries from the feria (farmers market) at $500/kg. It's pretty dang cheap, and they're some of the best strawberries I've ever eaten. The massive amounts of grapes they grow here in the Colchagua Valley are gonna be ready by late December-early January. It's gonna be awesome, because everyone here works in the campo, and random people we contact are already starting to give us fruit from their work when we talk to them.
I think that's about it. Oh yeah, my companion goes home in two weeks. He's doing his best to not get too trunky, but in my opinion he's losing the battle haha.
Elder Hamilton
P.S. I totally didn't take any pictures this week. Sorry! I'll take a whole bunch this week.
1. How will you call us on Christmas? Skype, FaceTime, phone? Will it be at the church, members home or somewhere else?
I should be able to Skype you, and it will most likely be from a member's house.
2. Where do you email from each week?
We go to these things called "cibers" and it's basically a room with computers that you can buy time on the internet for.
3. Where do you do your laundry? How is that going? Have you washed your wool pants yet? How are your shirts holding up? are they still white, haha?
We have a little washing mashine in our backyard/patio thing. We ang up everything to dry out. I haven't washed my wool pants yet, and my shirts seem fine, but I don't know how long they're going to stay white now that I'm sweating in them all day every day.
4. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? I know that you don't get many appointments for meals, so what are you eating? Did the recipes and dinner ideas I sent help?
I make a smoothie every morning, but they haven't been green recently because I didn't buy espinaca or acelga this week. Lunch has been at members houses recently, so we haven't had to worry about it for a while. And dinner isn't a thing in Chile.
5. Can you find most of the same food there, that we have here? Or is it really different?
Everything is way different. So no.
6. I love your haircut, it seems like they do a pretty good job. Who does it? Do you use gel everyday? Should I send more?
We go to a barbershop (peluqueria) to get out hair cut. I have been using gel, but I still have a buttload left, so I'll let you know when I need more.
7. Have you gained any weight? You look great and to us it doesn't look like you have, we're just wondering if you can tell. Do you have a scale?
I dont know. I think my face looks a little bit chubbier than when I left the CCM, but I'm not sure. I don't have a scale, so I honestly have no idea.
8. What are you putting in your green smoothies? The pic you sent us was sooo green, just wondering whats in it. And did it taste good?
Haha, I put a bunch of espinaca (spinach) and acelga (I have no idea what it is in English), bananas, strawberries, and water. But recently I've been making the BEST SMOOTHIES with strawberries, cherries, peaches, banans, water, and ice. And they are soooooo good.