September 28, 2015
Wow, so I have a lot to tell about this week; I'm going to try to fit it all in, but we'll see what happens!
My companion's name is Elder Miranda, and he's from Panama, and he has the same time as me in the mission. We're in Tupahue, and it's a WARD! I thought it was going to be a little out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere branch, but it's actually right in the middle of Rancagua! I have never seen so many people and cars in my whole mission. I have to admit, I really miss the horses and cows and big open fields like in all my previous sectors, but I think Tupahue is going to treat me well.
Sunday was an interesting day, because we didn't have to do anything at church. We didn't have to get there super early, we didn't have to teach a class, we didn't have to give a talk, and we didn't even have to count how many people came! It was pretty relaxing, and we got to focus a lot more on being at church and enjoying the Spirit, rather than worrying about everything running smoothly.
Elder Miranda and I are opening this sector, so we both got here at the same time, and have no idea who anyone is or where anything is. It's really different, because we have seriously been walking around finding people to teach, and we haven't found anyone yet. On the bright side, we are getting A LOT of exercise from walking around all day, and we really have to work together to find these people.
The other day we were walking to lunch, and there was a bus stopped at the corner, and as we walked by, it honked at us, so we looked back, and there was an old lady that had fallen down as she was climbing up into the bus! There was no one else in the bus and the driver couldn't jump out of his seat, and we ran over there and helped her get back up onto her feet, and she was SO thankful, and called us gentlemen like 60 times. Haha, so that brightened up our week a little bit.
On Saturday morning, we were going around looking for some members, and we came across an adress close to where we were, and this guy came out with a crazy biker beard, and we talked to him for a while, and he eventually told us to come in, and showed us his room. Turns out he belongs to a dark metal band, and he showed us some of the music that he and his band had made, and it was really creepy. A lot of wailing and screeching, and weird gutteral sounds. But then he showed us his fire breathing torch, and we asked him to show us some fire breathing. So he took us out to his front yard and breathed some fire for us. Hahaha, he actually burned a little bit of his beard in the process, but he had fun, and I got a sweet video!
Since there are a buttload of members here in the ward, we get lunch with them every day, and on Sunday we had lunch with the Llanos family, and they made tacos! It was so good, and their family is so cool! They totally love the missionaries, and totally want to help us do our job! The whole ward recieved us really well, and there are SO MANY members to get to know.
That was basically the highlights of our week last week, and hopefully this week we won't get lost as much! We probably won't even have to walk around with the map this week! We're super exited for General Conference this weekend! I hope everyone has an awesome week, and thanks for the emails!
Elder Hamilton