May 11, 2015
I played some hymns the other day on a trumpet, and it was so much fun! I also just had to play some Mexican Hat Dance, and that was also fun, haha. I hadn't played the trumpet in like a year!
This is the lunch we had yesterday at a member's house. She remembered from like a month ago that I said I liked pollo asado, and she made us some killer pollo asado. We were super thankful, and now we're going to do some service and fix her roof this week!
I hope everyone had an awesome Mothers' day! All the missionaries here in San Javier sure did! We all went and skyped at the Branch Presiden't house, and loved every minute of it, even though the time FLEW by.
The weather here is kind of interesting, because it's absolutley FREEZING in the mornings, and then for about an hour and a half during the day it's really hot, and then it gets REALLY cold again! We're definitley seeing more of the boca chueca here in the evening, and we're getting offered a lot of sopaipillas pasadas! They're so good, but so bad for us hahaha.
We've been focusing our efforts in more people to teach, and we're starting to see some good results. It's crazy how some people can be so prepared to hear our message. This week we got a, "Wow, I've seen missionaries pass by my house for the past 15 years, and I have always asked myself what they have that makes them different than all the other religions."
I've only got a few minutes left, but I hope everyone has an amazing week, and I'll talk to you next Monday!
Elder Hamilton
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