October 26, 2015
This week went by really fast here in Tupahue! It's definitely getting hotter, and there are lots of dudes riding around on tricycles selling ice cream, so the heat is somewhat bearable!
On Friday Elder Boxberger, an Elder living in our house, completed a year in the mission, so for lunch his Peruvian companion taught us how to make Lomo Saltado, and it was soooooo good. Then we ate some no bake cookies that I made, and Elder Boxberger had a pretty good time at his "cumpleaño."
Earlier this week we talked to a family from the Dominican Republic. They got talking with my Panameño companion, and talked about all kinds of weird fruits that I've never heard of, and the next thing I knew was that they invited us back on Saturday to eat some food. Not too shabby, right? We went over there on Saturday and ate some really good food. I'll send a picture of it, but it was awesome!
October is the month to celebrate that you live in Rancagua- not a joke. There have been parties almost every night for the past month, and some pretty big groups have come to sing and stuff. On Saturday night there was a massive party pretty close to our house, and there was a 45 minute firework show, and they were extremely impressive. Seriously, I don't remember fireworks being this awesome at home. Either firework technology has advanced amazingly, or the lack of entertainment that missionaries have has just made us easy to impress. Hahaha, but I'll send some pictures of those too.
I hope everyone has an awesome week, and that Halloween is pretty sweet over there in 'Merica.
Elder Hamilton
Here's some of the Lomo Saltado from Friday getting ready to be consumed
And here's the food from the Dominican Republic. The little disk things are fried platanos, and they were amazing, and that pink stuff is a really tasty potato salad thing with beets in it.
Here are some pictures from the firework show the other night.
Here's a picture of me eating an empanada about an hour ago. My comp decided it was a good time for a mini photo shoot, haha. Empanadas are the best.
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