September 7, 2015
Well, as you can read in the title, the weather here is normal. Which means that it is completely abnormal... It went from burning hot in the beginning of the week to pouring cats and dogs and really cold. I don't know what to wear each day, and everyone is really cunfused, haha.
We had another good wek this week, and we had 34 people come to church!!! That's almost a record for Pichidegua!!!! We had SEVEN investigators in church, so we were pretty happy.
I totally neglected to take a single picture this week... But I'll send some next week.
We were walking down the street one day, and this lady came out of her house and yelled at us to come over. She saw Elder Hwang, and started speaking Korean at him! It was pretty crazy. Basically, she's a lady from Venezuela, and belongs to a religion that believes in two Koreans as gods, and they match marriages all over the world for people that belong to this religion. So she was living her little life in Venezuela, and got matched with a dude from Pichidegua, and now she lives here, and all 6 of theie kids have Korean names, and Elder Hwang said her Korean was almost perfect... So that was weird....
We are also teaching a guy who claims to be a black magician. Or was a black magician. He says he wants to change, and needs some guideance in his life. So we were more than happy to go over and teach him. He's loving the Book of Mormon, and even came to church yesterday!
I hope everyone has an awesome week!
Elder Hamilton
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