Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                       January 18, 2106
Elder Mendez and I had another great week here in Hospital. It's been ridiculously hot for the past few days, and we've been having fun jumping from shade to shade on the way to appointments. It's been about 35 degrees celcius every day, but it's been alright- the other day like 6 people gave us a ride to where we were going. The people here are really nice sometimes. Especially when it's super hot! They pull over and ask us where we're going, and then tell us to get in, and drop us off right where we need to go! So that's not too shabby.
     We're still having a hard time finding some people to teach, because everyone is either at the beach or at some public pool! But we are loving it here in Hospital. We've been eating so much watermelon, and now the nectarine tree in our front yard has some perfect nectarines on it!
     Thanks for the emails, and I hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Hamilton

My companion caught a serious case of Deacon Collar Syndrome the other day.
And the sunsets here are pretty pretty sometimes.

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