Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                       January 25, 2015
​I hope everyone has an awesome week this week! And Happy Birthday Mom!!​

Here's a picture of the sweet house we're working on. Construction here is a little different. It's a little more "I saw my uncle build a house once when I was 12, so I can probably build a house," and a little less exactthen I would prefer. But it's coming along, and it shouldn't be too shabby by the time it's finished.
Here's a picture of the four Hospital Elders eating some humitas the other day at an investigator's house. They were pretty 
scrum-diddley-umptious if you ask me.

Fun Fact: Milk in Chile is sold in cardboard boxes that don't need to be refrigerated. I have a suspicion that it's not milk in the boxes... Its tastes funny.

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