Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                                July 6, 2015
This week was pretty exciting; I've been getting to know the area around here in Pichidegua, and getting to meet a whole bunch of people. 
     Pichidegua is a super small little town, and apparently it has like the perfect climate for oranges/tangerines, and EVERYONE is giving us oranges haha. Every Wednesday to get to San Fernando for the district meeting we have to take two buses and it takes two hours! It's pretty crazy; we're kind of out in the middle of nowhere. Also, my companion is the first counselor in the branch, and I'm the secretary- the branch is really small. The branch president comes from a city like half an hour away every Sunday, so we have to do a lot every week so church goes smoothly haha. This Sunday we had 20 people come to church, and it was a pretty good turnout. 
     On Saturday we had to go in the house early (at 4:00) because of the copa américa game, and we had from 4:00 until 11:00 to chill in the house. My companion and I mde empanadas in the house, and they were really good, but we made wayyy too many. Chile won the cop américa, and everyone was freaking out. Seriously, everyone was celebrating for sooo long. There was a big parade of cars with people hanging out of them that drove past our house, and it just kept doing laps around the town. And this was in Pichidegua- I can only imagine what it was like in Santiago!
     A few weeks ago, we were informed that this month the whole country of Chile was going to do a big fast for rain, because it hasn't rained nearly as much as it should have this winter, and no one is going to have fruit next season if it doesn't rain soon. And on Sunday morning we all woke up and it was POURING. So that was really cool, and all the people that came to chuch shared their testimony about fasting.
     I hope everyone has an awesome week, and thanks for all the emails!

     Elder Hamilton

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