Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                 November 23, 2015
Elder Mendez and I had a great week again here in Hospital, and we did a BUNCH of service. I'll send some pictures, but basically word got around that we were good at digging holes, and we dug some good sized holes this week.
     Ealier today we met as a zone in a place called Alto Jahuel, and we climbed a mountain. It was really fun, and the view from the top was spectacular. We saw a little bit of Hospital, Buin, Paine, Linderos, and it was all nice and green since they started irrigating not too long ago. I'll send some pictures of that too. We had fun, got nice and dirty on the way up, and got even dirtier sliding down all the dusty trails on the way down, but we all agreed that it was a great zone activity.
     This week we had a bunch of people - like WAY more than normal - tell us hi from their cars as they drove by- we're basically famous here in Hospital, and we kind of know everyone. It's pretty entertaining, because it doesn't matter who we talk to, we ALWAYS know someone in common.
     I hope everyone has a great week, and thanks for all the emails! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Elder Hamilton

Here's a picture with a little Mapuche lady that we did service for. We dug up some dirt and made some soil for her to plant with. We mixed in some hay and some cow poop, and filled up a bunch of little flower pots and stuff. And this was the cow that made the cow poop for the soil.

Here's a HUGE hole we dug earlier this week. We'er pretty dang good at digging holes.

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