Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                     August 17, 2015
This week was awesome, and Elder Hwang (my new companion) and I are working hard here in Pichidegua.

Fun Facts About Elder Hwang:
1. He is the only missionary in the mission from South Korea. He's also the only Asian missionary in the mission.
2. He's 23 years old, and a twin. His twin is serving in the South Korean military right now. 
3. He's been in the mission for about 10 months.
4. He studied mathematics in and graduated from Cambridge Univerity in England. So yes, he spaeks English. And yes, he has a KILLER accent.
5. In Korea they eat dogs. They don't eat just any kind of dog though. There's a special kind of dog that they raise like pigs, and he said it tastes really, really good. 
6. He says hi to all of you.

I hope everyone has an awesome week, and thanks for ll the emails! I love hearing from all of you!

Elder Hamilton

Here's a picture of me and Elder Hwang after our first day together, and a picture of my name in Korean!

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