Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                  December 14, 2015
So we got the call from the zone leaders on Saturday night about the transfers, and Elder Mendez and I are both staying here in Hospital for 6 more weeks! We have been working really well together, and are looking forward to having Christmas together here in Hospital!
     So Ill tell you a little about our week:
     On Monday to end P day, my companion made some tacos al pastor. I have some pictures that Ill send, but basically its tacos with pineappple cooked in with the meat. They were delicious. Definitely a plus of having a Mexican companion that knows basic cooking skills.
     On Thursday we had an awesome Christmas conference with  zones in Rancagua, with almost 100 missionaries. It was super fun, and we got to play some fun sports other than futbol, woohoooo!!!!!! And Hermana Warne made us some really good food for lunch, so we went back to our areas afterwards with full bellies and went back to work with a newfound energy to share the new Christmas video.
     Saturday was a day that marked my life, because while we were doing some service for a member out on his ranch that he just bought, I learned how to cartwheel. We were done moving all the stuff out of the house, and were waiting for the member to come back from dumping all the stuff out of his truck, so I took advantage of the free time and can totally cartwheel almost perfectly. 
     Haha, so that was basically our week! This week is going to be awesome, and then we get to Skype with our families on Christmas! I hope everyone has a great week this week!
     Shoutout to my dad, who turns 45 tomorrow! Happy Birthday!

Elder Hamilton

Heres a picture of me and my companion melting away in the sun the other day. We were screaming "alo" outside of some houses and one of them had a mirror to see over the gate, so we took a little photo shoot. 

Heres the table when we made tacos al pastor, and here is a delicious taco al pastor. Enjoy.

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