Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                           May 25, 2010
Well, as you can tell from the title of my email, it is definitely getting cold here in San Javier. When it's not cloudy, the sun just kind of chills up in the north all day, and there's always some wind, and it's just really cold hahaha. 
This week went pretty well, and we've found a lot of people to teach through service opportunities. Moving firewood, chopping firewood, helping to pushstart cars, we're doing it all, and the people absolutely love us for it!
Well, I'll send some pictures now, because I took quite a few this week!
Elder Hamilton

Some awesome investogators took us to a house they have WAYYY out in the campo on Thursday for a holiday they celebrate here. We spent half the day there, and needless to say, we ate some pretty good barbeque. 

Oh yeah. And that's a guy named Nelson making some Chicharrones (fried pig fat).

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