Friday, January 29, 2016

April 27, 2015
This week was pretty awesome, firstly because of the fat volcano that exploded in the south. It's like 8 hours south of San Javier, but the next day we still got a whole bunch of ash in the air, and it settles every night, and covers everything. It makes for some awesome sunsets though haha. 
It's been getting colder and colder, and almost every morning is nice and foggy and freezing. And if you leave the house without some kind of jacket, all the Chileans will tell you that you're going to get sick. Oh, and the boca chueca is coming back haha! The boca chueca is this belief that if you're drinking something hot and you open the door an talk to someone at night when it's cold, you're mouth will turn sideways! So we're getting a lot of people signaling to us through the window that they're drinkning something hot. and they can't come out.
I'm gonna send some pitures of some sopaipillas pesadas in a few minutes, and I don't really know how to explain it, so I'll just let you guys look at them. 
I hope everyone has a great week, and I'll talk to you next Monday!

Love,Elder Hamilton 


Here's a little photo shoot I had with my companion this week during personal study. I was drinkning some mate and reading the war chapters at the end of Alma, and my companion said he was studying Lehi's dream.

​The beauty of air pollution. Each day it's a different color because the amount of ash in the air changes with the wind. And when there are clouds, it's even crazier. ​

Here's my comp's bike seat after one night - covered in some ash from the vocano. They're saying that the wind has blown ash all the way from Puerto Montt to Peru! That's REALLY far. And the dang volcano is still erupting. 

This little white dog followed us around one morning, until a lady came up to us and asked us who it belonged to. We said that we didn't know whos it was, so she just scooped it up and put it in her bike basket, and we haven't seen it since. 

Sunday morning was nice and foggy. The first picture is from our study room, and the second one is Elder Cypers cycling off into the abyss on the way to church.

Sopaipillas Pesadas. Basically, a sopaipilla is bread dough with zapallo (pumpkin?) in it, fried. So they turn out kind of arange/yellow. And to make is pesada, you soak it in this liquid that has a whole bunch of stuff in it. Like orange peels, cinnamin bark, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't think exists in America. But they are SO GOOD. 

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