May 4, 2015
It's officially Fall here; the leaves are getting yellowish orangish brownish, and it gets really cold at night and in the morning. This is from the top of a hill right outside of San Javier. And normally you would be able to see the Andes and a whole bunch of stuff, but the primary heating system here is a wood burning stove, so there's a ton of smoke in the air.
Selfie from the top of the hill of Elder Cypers taking a selfie, and a selfie from the top of the hill looking at the bottom of the hill.
Some more sweet clouds. The nights are usually foggy, and the mornings start out foggy, then get clear because of wind, but then the wind brings in clouds, and they always look awesome.
There's an awesome family here that gives us lunch whenever we don't have it with anyone else, and they're basically awesome. They have 4 kids, and this one is Jose (the one with the fork), and I'm like his best friend whenever we're over there.
And here's his brother Martin, who's basically a stud as well.
Here's me and Elder Quito killing it in our suits the other day in the Primary room. And here's me and President Cancino, the branch president here in San Javier, and his wife. He's like best friends with the president of the Spanish branch in Modesto, and went and visited him in Modesto, and went to San Francisco and Yosemite with him. So we have a lot to talk about every time we see each other. The world is so small.
Elder Cypers and I got some gnarly churrascos today for lunch, and they were AMAZING.
Hey, I have like 5 minutes left, and I have only responded to only a few emails... I got kind of carried away with all the pictures I guess, haha. This week was a pretty normal week, and the missionary work here in San Javier is going along pretty nicely. We only had a few people come to church this week, because it was a 3 day weekend and everyone went to some other place, but we're expecting a better turnout this week! I hope everyone has a great week, and we're all SO excited to Skype on Sunday!
Elder Hamilton
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