Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                     October 19, 2015
Wow, Elder Miranda and I had another awesome week this week here in Tupahue. After a week of bare, burning sun, on Wednesday it decided to rain again. We had on our rain coats and everything, but by the time 5:00 rolled around we were SOAKED, hahaha. We had fun walking around Rancagua all soggy, but really enjoyed coming home that night and drying off. 
Last week the seminary teacher asked us if we would help them out with an activity on Saturday, and we totally agreed to teach a section of Doctrine and Covenants to all the youth so they could make up days of seminary. We had to teach about eternal marriage, hahaha, but we had a good time, and we made it really fun for all the kids that came. 
On Sunday we were walking around and some lady came out of her house and said "Hey are these yours?" She had in her hands a brand new set of scriptures and a new hymn book, and she said "I won these in a Bingo like 3 years ago, and I don't want them, here you go." Hahaha, so now we have some really nice scriptures and a hymn book that we're going to give to the next person who gets baptized. Worked out pretty well!
For lunch on Sunday we went to the house of an old gringo couple serving a mission here. The're the Ditlevsons, and they are so nice, and they cook SO WELL. He made us turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy (I haven't eaten gravy in 14 months), and stuffing. And she made a really good apple pie style dessert. Oh my. It was sooooo good, and my companion and another Peruvian missionary that ate with us had never eaten gravy. Needless to say, they enjoyed the meal.
I hope everyone has an awesome week this week!
Elder Hamilton

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