Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                      August 31, 2015

On Tuesday I made some KILLER cinnamon rolls and some cream cheese frosting. 
And this kid's name is Vicente. He's deaf and doesn't speak, but every time he sees us he gets super happy and starts yelling. I wish I knew Chilean Sign Language so I could speak with him, but we kind of understand each other haha.

Fun fact: Chilean cemetaries are built up instead of in the ground... Weird. 
Today for P day we went to Pelequén. It's a week-long, once-a-year flea  market type thing, and it was crazy. We didn't get a good picture of how many people there were, but we seriously were in a sea of little Chileans. We walked for like 2 hours without going past the same booth twice. It was GINORMOUS.

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