Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                      August 10, 2015
This week was really fun, and some crazy stuff happened! First off, transfers are tomorrow, and sadly, Elder Evans is leaving Pichidegua, and a South Korean is coming to be my companion. I don't know if the Pichideguans here are prepared to see that sight walking down their streets, haha. 
     On Wednesday, it started raining. And it didn't stop raining. I don't know if anyone has been paying attention, but Chile gut freaking flooded this week! All the streets in the whole country were like canals and mini rivers. Luckily, nothing happened to our house, so all of our stuff is dry. But it got really windy a few nights ago and some people's roofs got blown off!
     On Friday we made another bus voyage to Rancagua and picked up my Chilean ID card, and we went to the Nike outlet! I found ONE pair in the WHOLE store that fit me, and totally bought them. The cashier looked at the size, and then looked down at my feet like she didn't believe me, haha. Chileans have really small feet.
     On Saturday morning we had an awsome lesson with an awesome family, and were able to invite their children to baptism, and they are all super excited. Also, a member gave us some empanadas for lunch! Later that day we contacted a guy with one leg, and ended up taking his big dog on a walk for him, and he was really thankful. That night we were playing soccer with the hooligans of Pichidegua in the court behind the chapel, and all of Pichidegua lost power! So continued playing, illuminating our paths with bike lights!
     On Sunday, the power came back to Pichidegua like 10 minutes before church started, so that was awesome. But our branch president never showed up, and we don't really know what happened, so we ran church again this week.
     Thanks everyone for all the emails, and I hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Hamilton

The "Welcome to Pichidegua" sign and the view from up top.

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