Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                   November 30, 2015
It's been a hot week here in Hospital with Elder Mendez. There's a saying here in Chile that goes like this: "Están cayendo los patos asados." Which means that "barbequed ducks are falling"
It really is that hot, hahaha, but we're having a good time talking to all the people here- they're all really nice and give us a big glass of water right away.
     I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving on Thursday! We didn't do anything special, but me and the other American elder here talked about what our families always did for Thanksgiving, so it was almost like having Thanksgiving, hahaha.
     I've been working really hard lately on all the Chilean sayings, and I'm creating a small library of all the sayings that everyone says, so I'm sounding more and more Chilean every day, and less and less white, so I feel like I'm still progressing quite a bit with my Spanish. I'm progressing so much that people ask me if I'm from Ozorno (where there's a German colony) hahaha.
     Elder Mendez and I are looking forward to this next week, and entering December! There's going to be trucks and trucks full of watermelon pretty soon. Right now there are more cherries than we know what to do with!
     And the time is going by so fast. Today is my 16 month mark, and I honestly don't know where all the time has gone. I feel like I just got here a few months ago! I'm seeing a lot of missionaries that I knew at the beginning of my mission go home, and there are a lot of new missionaries that I don't know!
     Well, I hope everyone has a great beginning of December, and if it's cold over there, just remember that its like 36 degrees celcius over here, and that there are barbequed ducks falling!

Elder Hamilton

We were at luch at a member's house the other day, and her kid comes out of the house with a baby duck! So we had a little photo shoot before lunch was served.

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