Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                          October 5, 2015
This week was interseting because we has the "lluvia matapajaritos" this week. It basically means the "little bird killing rain," which happens right around springtime, when all the little baby birds are chirping away for worms and stuff. And then it just rains harder than it has all winter, and kills all the little birds. So my companion and I got DRENCHED that day. We seriously got wet down to our bones, but we had some fun, and we didn't too cold, haha.
We're still looking for people to tech here in our sector, and are talking with everyone we can find, but the search goes on. We're getting to know all the members in the ward, and they're super excited to have us with them!
General Conference was amazing!!!!! I hope everyone got to see it, because it seriously was awesome. I hope everyone has an amazing week!

Elder Hamilton
Here's a picture from the Zone P day activity today of me and my companion and a sweet Chilean zone leader Elder Cortes, who was also my zone leader in Nancagua! We played kickball in a park, and it rained last night, so it was super slippery. We were sliding all over the place, and it was so much fun!

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