Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                        June 15, 2015
This week the Copa America started, and since it's in Chile this year, the people are a little bit crazy, and we have to go home early and chill in our house whenever Chile is playing. And since Peru lost to Brazil yesterday, the 3 Peruvians I'm living with were a little bit sad, but they got up this morning feeling a little bit better.
We had a zone conference with our mission president on Tuesday, and learned a whole bunch from him. Plus, his wife made us sloppy joes. All the gringos were loving it, and the latinos didn't really know how to eat it, hahaha.
We're still working hard down here in San Javier, and having fun stomping around in the rain puddles and flooded streets and stuff. Like I said a few weeks ago, the rainy season is the sopaipilla season, so we're enjoying life! Haha, I hope everyone has a great week, and the computer I'm using doesn't recognize my memory card, so hopefully I'll be able to send pictures next week!

¡Viva Chile! 

Elder Hamilton

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