Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                       August 24, 2015
I hope everyone had a really great week, because I sure did! Some crazy things happened out here in Pichidegua in the last seven days!
    On Friday night we usually play soccer on the concrete soccer field behind the church with the Pichidegua hooligans, and on the way, it started raining really hard. So instead of soccer, we decided to have a big ping pong tournament, and it was really fun. It was a good idea, because it was almost a hurricane outside, haha. After we palyed ping pong, we read 1 Nefi 8 with everyone, and drew a really awesome picture of Lehi's dream on the whiteboard as we were reading. Then right after we finished the chapter, the power went out in all of Pichidegua! So we locked up the church with a cell phone lashlight to illuminate the way, and walked all the kids home. Elder Hwang and I got home soaked that night, and we ended the day by drinking some mate and him telling me some Korean scary stories. It was a pretty good day.
     On Saturday there was a relief society activity in San Fernando, so we contracted a bus to take us from Pichidegua to San Fernando and back. It was a food activity, and eaxh branch get assigned a type of food to make and bring for everyone else to sample. Pichidegua got avena, and no one in the branch knew ho to make anything out of avena... So I totally used my crazy baking/cooking skills and helped the relief society make some killer no bake cookies and a bunch of other desserts, and we took them all to the activity. Our table was by far the best; all the othe tables were lame compared to the Pichidegua table, haha. 
     And on Sunday, I conducted Sacrament Meeting for the first time! That was pretty fun, and it's crazy to be such a big part of the branch!
     I hope everyone has an awesome week! 
Elder Hamilton

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