Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                 January 11, 2016
This week was pretty interesting because it seems like everyone that lives in or close to Hospital is not home... We've been talking with the other missionaries here, and we're pretty sure that everyone went on vacation at the exact same time, so we've had to change things up a little. We've been doing lots of service and speaking with everyone we can, and it's pretty fun. The other day we went over to a member's house for the whole day and helped him build a part of his house. 
     We went to a family home evening a few nights ago with the other missionaries, and when it was time to leave, the dad said, "Hey, throw your bikes here up on this thing and I'll take you into town." So we went into town in style in a horse-drawn cart thing. And I even got to drive! It was kind of sketchy because the horse obviously doesn't have headlights, and there were minimum streetlights out there in the middle of nowhere, but it was super fun, haha. We took a picture of it, so I'll send that right now.
     It's still pretty hot, but a major plus is that it is officially watermelon season. And the watermelons from Hospital are nationally recognized as the best watermelons in Chile. Watermelon is the official summer dessert here, so we're not terribly sa about that.
     I hope everyone has an awesome week this week, and thanks for the emails!

Elder Hamilton

We heard a funny noise for like 5 minutes as we were riding our bikes one evening in the country. We assumed there was something loose, but 5 minutes had passed and all of the sudden my comp was riding on his back rim, haha. So he threw his bike up onto his shoulder and walked like a stud all the way to our house, which was like a 40 minute walk!

Here's the sweet carriage I drove into town the other night. We were wearing some gnarly reflective vests, but had to take them off for the picture.

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