July 27, 2015
We had another great week this week-we've been looking for opportunities to do service as much as possible, and it was awesome to be ale to serve so much!
We had another great week this week-we've been looking for opportunities to do service as much as possible, and it was awesome to be ale to serve so much!
On Tuesday we wentto a member's house and painted a whole room for them. It was kind of hard to paint, because the walls were made out of adobe (that mud stuff), so it was all pretty uneven, but it looked really good when we finished! I worked on the upper half, my comp painted the bottom half, and the member did the corners, and we got it done in record time!
On Wednesday, we did some divisions with the zone leaders, and I went all the way to San Fernando (2 hours away in 2 buses) and stayed in a house with EIGHT ELDERS. That house was so crazy, but it was so awesome! IN the morning we all got up and basically had a little exercise party, and we should have started a zumba class or something. Then ater personal study we all met up in the living room and sang a few hymns to start the day, and it was just awesome. And the house is basically a mansion. It was probably one of the best mission houses in the country!
On Friday we went to another member's house to do some service. He's a haircutter/shoecobbler/furniture maker, and his haricutting shop/shoe cobbling area was SUPER dirty. We went over there, pulled all the shoes out (killed about 75 tennis ball sized venomous spiders) threw out all the nasty old shoes, and out bak the ines he needed after cleaning up everything in there. He was super thankful afterwards, and we had a lot of fun hunting spiders!
On Saturday we went to an investigator's farm, and cleaned out some horse stalls with a shovel, a rake, and a wheelbarrow. We didn't smell too good afterwards, but we had a good time, and the investigator was really thankful that we lightened his load!
Elder Hamilton
We ended up mountain biking up in the hill yesterday, and after following a little dirt path for a while, we came across this. No one was home. We're pretty sure a hobbit lives in here.
Here's a picture of the little cobbler/barber shop that a member has, with about half of the shoes taken out of it. You might be able to see all the spider corpses if you look carefully!
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