Friday, January 29, 2016

                                                        August 3, 2015
We had another awesome week here in Pichidegua! Some things that happened in the last seven days:

-On Monday night we heard something moving around in our backyard, and went out to fight it with a duracel flashlight and a kitchen knife. It turned out to be a branch hitting the back of our house, but we were sure it was a drunk guy or something. We used the flashlight and the kitchen knife to prune the tree a little once we were out there, and it turned out pretty well.
-On Tuesday night we were walking on this dirt road, and this short little fat lady passed us and she was singing to herself. My comp said that he liked the song she was singing, and she kind of exploded and told us she was singing an alabanza, and that we need to read the bible more.
-On Thursday we were in the church building doing some prepration for Sacrament meeting yesterday, and the internet cut out all of the sudden. My comp reached his arm back behind the desk and pulled out a cable, and the two ends touched, and the power of the whole building cut out. It was pretty crazy.
-On thursday, I completed a year in the mission and it feels really weird!
-On Thursday night, we got locked out if house, and it was raining really hard (we got soaked), and we ended up climbing over our backyard neighbor's fence to get in through our back door.
-On Friday morning we went to Rancagua on a bus to go and get my carnet/ID card (it's been a year...), and we ended seeing an old guy fall down in the street. He was crying and kind of crazy, and he couldn't remember his name or where he was or anything, so we had someone call the cops to come get him.  We helped him get up, and some nice person from the street brought him a sopaipilla to distract him while the police got there to take him to the hospital. He kept saying that he "fell on his memory".
-ON saturday morning we went to a neighboring town, and did some service for someone that was building a house. We did so much work, and I haven't been this sore in like 3 years, but we had so much fun, and helped those guys so much.  
-Last night we were taling to this guy in the street, and he asked us if we had eaten recently, and when we said not since lunch, he went into the back of his car and pulled out a smoked turkey leg! He gave it to us, and sent us on our way. He smelled kind of drunk, and he acted kind of funny, but was kind enough to give us what he had chilling in his car.
-Also, last night, when we shoed up to an appointment with a family, the room was all changed, and it was turned into a stage. The kids performed "caperucita roja" (little red riding hood) for us, and it was really cute! Then they made us sopaipillas with guacamole, and we had a really good night!
-This morning we climbed up to the "welcome to pichidegua sign" up on the hill, and it ws awesome.

And that a little bit of our week!
I hope everyone has an awesome week this week!

Elder Hamilton

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