It's kind of a big deal, because this doesn't really happen a lot here in Chile.
Claudio, a convert of 3 years that got off his mission a year ago, just got a dog.
It's a chow chow that has less than three months. It has a purple toungue, and
it's really awesome. He enjoys chilling in the bike basket during his free time.
This was our branch Christmas party we had on saturday.
We all pitched in $2000 and we had a pretty nice dinner.
So I made the doughnuts this morning, and I eventually figured out that the smaller
they are, they faster and better they cook. So I ended up with over 100 doughnuts.
So I took like 50 of them to our zone activity today (we played volleyball and I killed it)
and everyone loved them. Can you send me a recipe for french toast? I want to make
french toast for breakfast on Christmas.
Also, the next time you send me a package, can you send me some measuring cups?
I have literally
looked everywhere in my zone for measuring cups and have found them nowhere.
I need like all the measurements from fractions od a teaspoon to like a cup.
That would be awesome. I made my own measuring cup using my Nalgene
bottle to measure out amounts of water and then mark a glass cup that is now my
measuring cup, but I would love some measuring utensils of my very own haha. Also,
sunscreen makes white shirts yellow faster. I wear my short sleeve shirts a lot more
now, but I still have quite a few that I haven't even touched yet. Also, can you send
me a little set of fine screwdrivers? Like pretty dang small. I can't find any anywhere
in Chile, and they would be super useful.
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