Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                       January 25, 2015
​I hope everyone has an awesome week this week! And Happy Birthday Mom!!​

Here's a picture of the sweet house we're working on. Construction here is a little different. It's a little more "I saw my uncle build a house once when I was 12, so I can probably build a house," and a little less exactthen I would prefer. But it's coming along, and it shouldn't be too shabby by the time it's finished.
Here's a picture of the four Hospital Elders eating some humitas the other day at an investigator's house. They were pretty 
scrum-diddley-umptious if you ask me.

Fun Fact: Milk in Chile is sold in cardboard boxes that don't need to be refrigerated. I have a suspicion that it's not milk in the boxes... Its tastes funny.

                                                       January 18, 2106
Elder Mendez and I had another great week here in Hospital. It's been ridiculously hot for the past few days, and we've been having fun jumping from shade to shade on the way to appointments. It's been about 35 degrees celcius every day, but it's been alright- the other day like 6 people gave us a ride to where we were going. The people here are really nice sometimes. Especially when it's super hot! They pull over and ask us where we're going, and then tell us to get in, and drop us off right where we need to go! So that's not too shabby.
     We're still having a hard time finding some people to teach, because everyone is either at the beach or at some public pool! But we are loving it here in Hospital. We've been eating so much watermelon, and now the nectarine tree in our front yard has some perfect nectarines on it!
     Thanks for the emails, and I hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Hamilton

My companion caught a serious case of Deacon Collar Syndrome the other day.
And the sunsets here are pretty pretty sometimes.
                                                 January 11, 2016
This week was pretty interesting because it seems like everyone that lives in or close to Hospital is not home... We've been talking with the other missionaries here, and we're pretty sure that everyone went on vacation at the exact same time, so we've had to change things up a little. We've been doing lots of service and speaking with everyone we can, and it's pretty fun. The other day we went over to a member's house for the whole day and helped him build a part of his house. 
     We went to a family home evening a few nights ago with the other missionaries, and when it was time to leave, the dad said, "Hey, throw your bikes here up on this thing and I'll take you into town." So we went into town in style in a horse-drawn cart thing. And I even got to drive! It was kind of sketchy because the horse obviously doesn't have headlights, and there were minimum streetlights out there in the middle of nowhere, but it was super fun, haha. We took a picture of it, so I'll send that right now.
     It's still pretty hot, but a major plus is that it is officially watermelon season. And the watermelons from Hospital are nationally recognized as the best watermelons in Chile. Watermelon is the official summer dessert here, so we're not terribly sa about that.
     I hope everyone has an awesome week this week, and thanks for the emails!

Elder Hamilton

We heard a funny noise for like 5 minutes as we were riding our bikes one evening in the country. We assumed there was something loose, but 5 minutes had passed and all of the sudden my comp was riding on his back rim, haha. So he threw his bike up onto his shoulder and walked like a stud all the way to our house, which was like a 40 minute walk!

Here's the sweet carriage I drove into town the other night. We were wearing some gnarly reflective vests, but had to take them off for the picture.
                                                   January 4, 2015
We had a pretty calm week this week, because everyone in Hospital either went to someone elses house, or a bunch of people came over to their house, and no one could really meet with us. But we did do a lot of service, so we used our time pretty well. One of the services we did this week was destroy a room that a family had built a few years ago. They decided they didnt want it to exist anymore, so they called us over and we took care of it. While we were tearing down a wall, a lizard crawled over my hand and I kind of freaked out because I thought it was a spider haha. 
     We had to go home early on New Years Eve, and were in bed at 12:00, but we heard all the fireworks and stuff, and all of the people freaking out from far away. Our New Year was pretty chill, but we had a good time cooking some food in the house.
     Today for a P day activity we went to BUIN ZOO! Haha it was pretty cool, and I took some sweet pictures, so Ill send a few of the best ones!
     I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Elder Hamilton

Here is a picture of the apricot cobbler I made the other day. We have about  million apricots at home thanks to a giant apricot tree in our front yard. I already made apricot salsa, apricot jam, and apricot cobbler. So if anyone has any good recipes with apricot, feel free to hook it up.
And here is a picture of a lake/reservior thing close to a mambers house where we eat lunch on Saturdays. It was pretty gorgeous, but apparently a few years ago the water was up to where we were standing.

    Heres a picture of our house, and a picture of the "fruit tree forest" that hides our house from people on the street. There apricot trees, peach trees, apple trees, pear trees, plum trees, walnut trees, almond trees, cherry trees, and a few other bushes like blackberry and raspberry. I love this house.

Everyone said I found one of my long lost cousins  here in the Buin Zoo today. 
And heres me in front of the sign.
                                                    December 28, 2015
I wrote my letter this morning to save a little time on the computer today, and respond to a few more emails, so here it is! We had a great Christmas here in Hospital, and enjoyed Skyping with our families! I hope everyone has an awesome new year!

Here's a picture from the service we did the other day. There were a lot of jokes about being white that day, haha.

                                                     December 21, 2015
Needless to say, we are really excited for Christmas this week, and for the opportunity we are going to have to Skype with our families! We had a good week this week; kind of crazy because everyone is getting ready for the holidays, but it was still a fun week. 
      We did a lot of service this week, and we had a great time. I love how service just makes you automatically friends with someone. The other day we were outside shoveling for like 3 hours with a guy we didnt know, but at the end, we were best friends, and it was awesome!
     I hope everyone has an awesome week, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Elder Hamilton

Feliz Navidad de Elder Hamilton y Elder Mendez.
                                                  December 14, 2015
So we got the call from the zone leaders on Saturday night about the transfers, and Elder Mendez and I are both staying here in Hospital for 6 more weeks! We have been working really well together, and are looking forward to having Christmas together here in Hospital!
     So Ill tell you a little about our week:
     On Monday to end P day, my companion made some tacos al pastor. I have some pictures that Ill send, but basically its tacos with pineappple cooked in with the meat. They were delicious. Definitely a plus of having a Mexican companion that knows basic cooking skills.
     On Thursday we had an awesome Christmas conference with  zones in Rancagua, with almost 100 missionaries. It was super fun, and we got to play some fun sports other than futbol, woohoooo!!!!!! And Hermana Warne made us some really good food for lunch, so we went back to our areas afterwards with full bellies and went back to work with a newfound energy to share the new Christmas video.
     Saturday was a day that marked my life, because while we were doing some service for a member out on his ranch that he just bought, I learned how to cartwheel. We were done moving all the stuff out of the house, and were waiting for the member to come back from dumping all the stuff out of his truck, so I took advantage of the free time and can totally cartwheel almost perfectly. 
     Haha, so that was basically our week! This week is going to be awesome, and then we get to Skype with our families on Christmas! I hope everyone has a great week this week!
     Shoutout to my dad, who turns 45 tomorrow! Happy Birthday!

Elder Hamilton

Heres a picture of me and my companion melting away in the sun the other day. We were screaming "alo" outside of some houses and one of them had a mirror to see over the gate, so we took a little photo shoot. 

Heres the table when we made tacos al pastor, and here is a delicious taco al pastor. Enjoy.
                                                      December 7, 2015
I hope everyone had an awesome week this week, because Elder Mendez and I had an another amazing week here in Hospital. It's definitely been a week of miracles. Earlier this week the office elders took our bikes to rancagua for some maintainance, so we've been on foot in a MASSIVE sector. SO the soles of our shoes have been melting a little from all the heat. But every time it was super hot, and we were super tired, walking out in the middle of nowhere, getting toasted, a car pulled over and told us to jump in and drove us to wherever we needed to go. Every time. #miracles.
     The chilean saying for the week this week is "no tienen ni piojos," as it says in the title of this week's email. It means "they don't even have lice." It's said when you're talking about someone SUPER POOR. Like so poor that they don't even have lice. Hahaha, a funny old guy taught it to us this week, and I'll send a great picture I have with him.
     We're all getting super excited for the Christmas season, even though it's like a million degrees all the time! It's still weird to have Christmas in summer, but that's no excuse to not be excited haha. This week we're going to have a big Christmas conference with President Warne and like 5 zones, so it shoule be pretty fun!
     Thanks for the emails, and have a great week!

Elder Hamilton

Here's a picture of Henrique Vidal. He's the stud who taught us this week's chilean saying. He's 76 years old, and he has about 1 million stories to tell us, and knows 99% of the population of Hospital.
                                                   November 30, 2015
It's been a hot week here in Hospital with Elder Mendez. There's a saying here in Chile that goes like this: "Están cayendo los patos asados." Which means that "barbequed ducks are falling"
It really is that hot, hahaha, but we're having a good time talking to all the people here- they're all really nice and give us a big glass of water right away.
     I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving on Thursday! We didn't do anything special, but me and the other American elder here talked about what our families always did for Thanksgiving, so it was almost like having Thanksgiving, hahaha.
     I've been working really hard lately on all the Chilean sayings, and I'm creating a small library of all the sayings that everyone says, so I'm sounding more and more Chilean every day, and less and less white, so I feel like I'm still progressing quite a bit with my Spanish. I'm progressing so much that people ask me if I'm from Ozorno (where there's a German colony) hahaha.
     Elder Mendez and I are looking forward to this next week, and entering December! There's going to be trucks and trucks full of watermelon pretty soon. Right now there are more cherries than we know what to do with!
     And the time is going by so fast. Today is my 16 month mark, and I honestly don't know where all the time has gone. I feel like I just got here a few months ago! I'm seeing a lot of missionaries that I knew at the beginning of my mission go home, and there are a lot of new missionaries that I don't know!
     Well, I hope everyone has a great beginning of December, and if it's cold over there, just remember that its like 36 degrees celcius over here, and that there are barbequed ducks falling!

Elder Hamilton

We were at luch at a member's house the other day, and her kid comes out of the house with a baby duck! So we had a little photo shoot before lunch was served.
                                                 November 23, 2015
Elder Mendez and I had a great week again here in Hospital, and we did a BUNCH of service. I'll send some pictures, but basically word got around that we were good at digging holes, and we dug some good sized holes this week.
     Ealier today we met as a zone in a place called Alto Jahuel, and we climbed a mountain. It was really fun, and the view from the top was spectacular. We saw a little bit of Hospital, Buin, Paine, Linderos, and it was all nice and green since they started irrigating not too long ago. I'll send some pictures of that too. We had fun, got nice and dirty on the way up, and got even dirtier sliding down all the dusty trails on the way down, but we all agreed that it was a great zone activity.
     This week we had a bunch of people - like WAY more than normal - tell us hi from their cars as they drove by- we're basically famous here in Hospital, and we kind of know everyone. It's pretty entertaining, because it doesn't matter who we talk to, we ALWAYS know someone in common.
     I hope everyone has a great week, and thanks for all the emails! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Elder Hamilton

Here's a picture with a little Mapuche lady that we did service for. We dug up some dirt and made some soil for her to plant with. We mixed in some hay and some cow poop, and filled up a bunch of little flower pots and stuff. And this was the cow that made the cow poop for the soil.

Here's a HUGE hole we dug earlier this week. We'er pretty dang good at digging holes.
                                              November 16, 2015

Elder Mendez and I had a great week here in Hospital, and we're super excited for all the fruit that's coming soon!
     Our mission president (Pres. Warne) has been in Utah for about 2 weeks because he had a tumor taken off of his kidney, and they should be back on Thursday, so we're also really excited for that! In the Warnes' absence, a Chilean couple that had presided over the Viña del Mar mission a few years ago, is here acting as the mission president. We had a zone conference with them on Friday, and they were really cool, and so thankful for the opportunity that they have to come to this mission and hang out with us for a while!
     On Thursday we had to go in the house early because Chile was playing, so I made some cinnammon rolls, and everyone has been freaking out since then asking for more, haha.The Brazilian living with us had never eaten them before, so he was super happy.
     We're still having a lot of fun out here in Hospital, and I hope everyone has a great week this week.  And happy 15th birthday Easton!

Elder Hamilton

On Saturday we went to go eat lunch at a members house that lives like 40 minutes awayon a dirt road, next to a really pretty lake, with some sweet hills in the background.

And this was the field in the middle of town that has been growing super fast. We thought it looked pretty pretty.

                                                      November 9, 2015
We had a great week here in Hopsital with Elder Mendez. He is from Zacatecas, Mexico, and I am finishing his training. So right now he has been in the mission for 7 weeks, and he is super excited, and we work really well together.
     To start out, the ward had a late Halloween party on Friday night, and everyone dressed up, and danced (except for the missionaries...) and had a bunch of fun. We were the judges for the costume contest, and there were some prett cool costumes. There were 2 santa clauses, some indians, a pair of caterpillars, and a bunch more. But all of them were pretty creative!
     And on Saturday morning sometime after midnight we all woke up at the same time because there was a tremor! It was pretty fun, and I kind of just rolled over and went back to sleep, because they happen pretty often and I am kind of used to them. I dont know if thats good or bad, haha. On Saturday morning around 9:00 a member picked us up and hauled us over to a big piece of property he just bought, and Ill send some pictures of the service we did for him. I had a bunch of fun, and really missed doing service since Ive been in the city for the last 6 weeks. 
     That was a pretty decent summary of my week I think, so I hope everyone has an awesome week this week.

Elder Hamilton

Heres a picture of the service we did on Saturday. He had us dig some SUUUPER deep post holes to put a fence around his land. And as the person with the longest arms in the region, I was elected to be the dirt scooper.
And heres a picture of the 4 missionaries in our house when we were at the halloween party. Left to right: Elder Alves (brazilian), Loertcher (gringo), Mendez (mexican), and me.
                                                      November 2, 2015
Well, these past six weeks have gone by faster than any other six week chunk of time in my mission. Tomorrow morning I'm going to a little sector out in the country called Hospital. My companion is a missionary from Mexico who has been in the mission for 6 weeks! I'm excited to go back into a little country town- the city was fun and all, but everyone is super busy/rushed here. 
     This week went pretty well. On Saturday we found a guy nameed Gaston, and he let us into his house, and he basically expresed to us his deepest desires to follow the example of Christ. It was amazing how prepared this man was to receive us. He accepted an invitation to come to church on Sunday, and came, and loved it! He's reading the Book of Mormon, and asked us to come back to his house and help him prepare for his baptism. It's kind of sad because I have to go to Hospital and I'm not going to see him progress anymore, but Elder Miranda and his new companionare going to take good care of him!
     Thanks for all the emails, and I hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Hamilton
Can you just feel the joy that I'm experiencing in this picture? A member here in Tupahue is a flight attendant for American Airlines, and last week he was on a flight to Miami, and got off real quick to buy this for me. He invited us over for lunch today, and I drank root beer for the first time in over a year. Hahaha, the Chileans think that root beer tastes like mouth wash, so it basically isn't sold anywhere here!
I made some peach cobbler the other day, and the latino missionaries in the house almost died. They thought it came straight form heaven, and were really really sad when they ate it all and there was none left, hahaha.
                                                     October 26, 2015
This week went by really fast here in Tupahue! It's definitely getting hotter, and there are lots of dudes riding around on tricycles selling ice cream, so the heat is somewhat bearable!
On Friday Elder Boxberger, an Elder living in our house, completed a year in the mission, so for lunch his Peruvian companion taught us how to make Lomo Saltado, and it was soooooo good. Then we ate some no bake cookies that I made, and Elder Boxberger had a pretty good time at his "cumpleaño."
Earlier this week we talked to a family from the Dominican Republic. They got talking with my Panameño companion, and talked about all kinds of weird fruits that I've never heard of, and the next thing I knew was that they invited us back on Saturday to eat some food. Not too shabby, right? We went over there on Saturday and ate some really good food. I'll send a picture of it, but it was awesome!
October is the month to celebrate that you live in Rancagua- not a joke. There have been parties almost every night for the past month, and some pretty big groups have come to sing and stuff. On Saturday night there was a massive party pretty close to our house, and there was a 45 minute firework show, and they were extremely impressive. Seriously, I don't remember fireworks being this awesome at home. Either firework technology has advanced amazingly, or the lack of entertainment that missionaries have has just made us easy to impress. Hahaha, but I'll send some pictures of those too.
I hope everyone has an awesome week, and that Halloween is pretty sweet over there in 'Merica.

Elder Hamilton

Here's some of the Lomo Saltado from Friday getting ready to be consumed
And here's the food from the Dominican Republic. The little disk things are fried platanos, and they were amazing, and that pink stuff is a really tasty potato salad thing with beets in it. 

Here are some pictures from the firework show the other night.
Here's a picture of me eating an empanada about an hour ago. My comp decided it was a good time for a mini photo shoot, haha. Empanadas are the best. 
                                                     October 19, 2015
Wow, Elder Miranda and I had another awesome week this week here in Tupahue. After a week of bare, burning sun, on Wednesday it decided to rain again. We had on our rain coats and everything, but by the time 5:00 rolled around we were SOAKED, hahaha. We had fun walking around Rancagua all soggy, but really enjoyed coming home that night and drying off. 
Last week the seminary teacher asked us if we would help them out with an activity on Saturday, and we totally agreed to teach a section of Doctrine and Covenants to all the youth so they could make up days of seminary. We had to teach about eternal marriage, hahaha, but we had a good time, and we made it really fun for all the kids that came. 
On Sunday we were walking around and some lady came out of her house and said "Hey are these yours?" She had in her hands a brand new set of scriptures and a new hymn book, and she said "I won these in a Bingo like 3 years ago, and I don't want them, here you go." Hahaha, so now we have some really nice scriptures and a hymn book that we're going to give to the next person who gets baptized. Worked out pretty well!
For lunch on Sunday we went to the house of an old gringo couple serving a mission here. The're the Ditlevsons, and they are so nice, and they cook SO WELL. He made us turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy (I haven't eaten gravy in 14 months), and stuffing. And she made a really good apple pie style dessert. Oh my. It was sooooo good, and my companion and another Peruvian missionary that ate with us had never eaten gravy. Needless to say, they enjoyed the meal.
I hope everyone has an awesome week this week!
Elder Hamilton

                                                                  October 12, 2015
  Elder Miranda and I had a great week here in Tupahue! We've been working really hard for the past 3 weeks to find some people to teach, and we're beginning to see the results from our efforts!
     We received a special training this week from President Warne about family history, and beginning this week we will have some time each week to work a little bit on, and we're all super excited!
     I don't have a lot of time left to write a whole bunch, but the sun has been coming out recently, there are still dogs all over the place, and Elder Miranda and I are having a blast here in Tupahue! Thanks for the emails, and I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Elder Hamilton

For some reason the Chileans can't say "elders." Almost all of them say "Helders." So when we found this grafiti we totally had to balance my camera on a nearby bench to capture the beauty. Enjoy. 

                                                          October 5, 2015
This week was interseting because we has the "lluvia matapajaritos" this week. It basically means the "little bird killing rain," which happens right around springtime, when all the little baby birds are chirping away for worms and stuff. And then it just rains harder than it has all winter, and kills all the little birds. So my companion and I got DRENCHED that day. We seriously got wet down to our bones, but we had some fun, and we didn't too cold, haha.
We're still looking for people to tech here in our sector, and are talking with everyone we can find, but the search goes on. We're getting to know all the members in the ward, and they're super excited to have us with them!
General Conference was amazing!!!!! I hope everyone got to see it, because it seriously was awesome. I hope everyone has an amazing week!

Elder Hamilton
Here's a picture from the Zone P day activity today of me and my companion and a sweet Chilean zone leader Elder Cortes, who was also my zone leader in Nancagua! We played kickball in a park, and it rained last night, so it was super slippery. We were sliding all over the place, and it was so much fun!
                                                September 28, 2015
Wow, so I have a lot to tell about this week; I'm going to try to fit it all in, but we'll see what happens!
     My companion's name is Elder Miranda, and he's from Panama, and he has the same time as me in the mission. We're in Tupahue, and it's a WARD! I thought it was going to be a little out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere branch, but it's actually right in the middle of Rancagua! I have never seen so many people and cars in my whole mission. I have to admit, I really miss the horses and cows and big open fields like in all my previous sectors, but I think Tupahue is going to treat me well. 
     Sunday was an interesting day, because we didn't have to do anything at church. We didn't have to get there super early, we didn't have to teach a class, we didn't have to give a talk, and we didn't even have to count how many people came! It was pretty relaxing, and we got to focus a lot more on being at church and enjoying the Spirit, rather than worrying about everything running smoothly.
     Elder Miranda and I are opening this sector, so we both got here at the same time, and have no idea who anyone is or where anything is. It's really different, because we have seriously been walking around finding people to teach, and we haven't found anyone yet. On the bright side, we are getting A LOT of exercise from walking around all day, and we really have to work together to find these people.
     The other day we were walking to lunch, and there was a bus stopped at the corner, and as we walked by, it honked at us, so we looked back, and there was an old lady that had fallen down as she was climbing up into the bus! There was no one else in the bus and the driver couldn't jump out of his seat, and we ran over there and helped her get back up onto her feet, and she was SO thankful, and called us gentlemen like 60 times. Haha, so that brightened up our week a little bit.
     On Saturday morning, we were going around looking for some members, and we came across an adress close to where we were, and this guy came out with a crazy biker beard, and we talked to him for a while, and he eventually told us to come in, and showed us his room. Turns out he belongs to a dark metal band, and he showed us some of the music that he and his band had made, and it was really creepy. A lot of wailing and screeching, and weird gutteral sounds. But then he showed us his fire breathing torch, and we asked him to show us some fire breathing. So he took us out to his front yard and breathed some fire for us. Hahaha, he actually burned a little bit of his beard in the process, but he had fun, and I got a sweet video!
     Since there are a buttload of members here in the ward, we get lunch with them every day, and on Sunday we had lunch with the Llanos family, and they made tacos! It was so good, and their family is so cool! They totally love the missionaries, and totally want to help us do our job! The whole ward recieved us really well, and there are SO MANY members to get to know.
     That was basically the highlights of our week last week, and hopefully this week we won't get lost as much! We probably won't even have to walk around with the map this week! We're super exited for General Conference this weekend! I hope everyone has an awesome week, and thanks for the emails!
          Elder Hamilton
                                                   September 21, 2015
Haha, so I'm sure a few of you have heard of the earthquake in Illapel a few days ago, and yeah we totally felt it here in Pichidegua! A guy we talked to a few days ago went fishing and invited us to eat some fried fish with him that night. He lives in a little tin shack thing, and we were out there sitting under the roof eating some fried fish, and all of the sudden my chair started rocking back and forth, and the next thing we know is that the whole shack is shaking! We thought it was going to fall on top of us, so we ran out of there pretty fast with our hands full of fish, and all the chickens outside were freaking out like their heads just got chopped off. We waited and kind of land surfed for like 2 minutes until it stopped, and then all the chickens calmed down and we resumed eating our fried fish. After all the cell signal got restored, like an hour after the earthquake, we got a bunch of calls from the members asking if we were alright; they take pretty good care of us. And actually like half an hour ago there was another earthquake a little bit closer to our mission! I'm totally going to pull out my camera the next time, haha!
     This week was the independence week here in Chile, and nobody wanted to receive us this week, so we just kind of hung out with the members. They gave us SO MANY empanadas. It was awesome. The celebrations were a little bit calmer than normal this year because of the earthquake, but it was still really fun, and we ate a whole bunch of really good food!
     We had a pretty crazy day on Sunday. Since this week was the independence week, almost no one came to church, which is kind of sad... But what happened was that we went to church like normal, and the branch president just didn't show up... So we just got everything ready like normal, and by the time 9:50 rolled around, it was still just me and my companion. (church is supposed to start at 10:00 sharp) 9:55 it ws me and my comp and 1 old lady. 10:00 It was me, my comp, the old lady, and one other lady. 10:05 a young woman showed up. 10:15 rolled around, 10:30 passed by, and 10:40 came around and it was us 5... My companion and I couldn't go into the chapel because there has to be 3 women older than 18, and there were only 2! So we seriously couldn't start church until someone else showed up!  But we called EVERYONE we knew, and by 10:45 a couple we had called had woken up and come to the chapel really quick, and we got started at 10:45. I presided and conducted Sacrament meeting, and my companion and I blessed and passed the sacrament, and then I gave my testimony, and then it was time to end! We ended church after Sacrament Meeting, and went home. So Sunday was really crazy. Definitely never had a church attendance of 7 in my mission before...
     Also, we got the call for the transfers... And I'm leaving Pichidegua... But I'm going to a sector called Tupahue, and I think it's going to be similar to Pichidegua. I' going to miss Pichidegua, but I know there are lots of people in Tupahue that need to hear the gospel from a giant gringo!
     I hope everyone has an awesome week, and thanks for all the emails!

Elder Hamilton


I got to play with a mountain goat the other day.